Sunday, May 29, 2022

Health Inequalities Of Madhya Pradesh

 The National own circle of relatives fitness survey offers records on populace,fitness and vitamins for India and one by one for every state.The predominant goal of this survey is to preserve a test on rising troubles on this area , putting benchmarks and checking development of fitness sector.It additionally offers effectiveness of on going programmes  and want of recent programmes to be commenced with the aid of using authorities.

Health inequalities are variations in fitness reputation or in distribution of fitness assets among exceptional populace agencies.

The essential motive for fitness inequality is social aspect which includes education,profits level, employment reputation,the alternative is good value aspect in which there may be extensive disparity in fitness reputation of various profits agencies,and 0.33 is environmental aspect.

Here we gave records from NFHS-four which turned into held in yr 2015-sixteen and NFHS five held in 2020-21.In NFHS five their are many subjects of issue are introduced to survey which includes rest room facilities, disability,waist hip ratio,blood glucose,blood stress range, home violence and lots of more. Here we can evaluate remarkable, reasonable,or sluggish boom in a number of the regions given in survey .

Sanitation facility had stepped forward remarkably,easy gasoline facility has stepped forward reasonably,male woman ratio has long gone up marginally,use of net has visible high-quality climb,utilization of own circle of relatives making plans techniques has improved decently,maternal and baby fitness,baby vaccination has additionally stepped forward,youth illnesses remedy had stepped forward marginally. Nutritional reputation of youngsters and person each have a few development however anemia has now no longer visible any development. Blood sugar, Hypertension, Cancer screening is developing slowly. Women empowerment, gender primarily based totally violence has stepped forward marginally ,however utilization of tobacco merchandise has improved.

Although there are numerous authorities guidelines strolling however they appear to have sluggish effect in lots of regions of issue ,so right movements with consciousness on deprived agencies is needed with the intention to lower inequality.

Caste Based Reservation Policy Of India


Reservation refers to the practice of providing a set number of seats to particular groups of people in educational institutions, government positions, and the legislature, among other places. Because these groups have faced discrimination in the past because of their caste identity, the age-old caste system is to blame for the caste system in society.


The current reservation system was established in 1933 by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Following the Mandal Commission's proposal in 1991, only SC, ST, and OBCs were awarded reservations after independence.

Reservation has its own set of regulations and acts, which are enshrined in the constitution.

Reservation was necessary to alleviate the injustices faced by the country's backward classes and to provide them with equal opportunities for advancement, yet reservation has caused more harm than benefit to society.
Many a instances simply due to reservation non deserving applicants get admission or activity and they may be now no longer capable of do justice to their paintings. It has additionally end up a device to attain political success. It is likewise visible that dominant and elite elegance among backward elegance receives advantages however marginalized on backward elegance stays marginalized handiest.

General class humans (people who do now no longer come beneath reserved class) have their very own plight, regardless of of analyzing hard,scoring true marks they do now no longer get admission because of reservation, identical applies to jobs,many a instances appropriate applicants aren't decided on and a few certainly considered one among much less quality is chosen because of reservation.

In this new age reservation coverage require many modifications like:

Revolutionary modifications in schooling machine at grass root level, advantages ought to attain to beneath privileged youngsters of disadvantaged lessons as opposed to to privileged youngsters with caste tag.

Reservation ought to receive in line with reasonable state of affairs of the own circle of relatives alternatively then primarily based totally on caste machine, so that each one sections of society might be helped and sources might be used on proper applicants.

When increasingly humans aspire for backwardness as opposed to forwardness the u . s . a . itself stagnates . All political events with out considering their vote banks ought to paintings collectively for advantage of truly underprivileged humans then handiest u . s . a . will develop and attain new heights

Social Groups : Roles, status and Status Analysis

There are several social groupings, including:

1. Primary Group
2. Secondary Group
3. In group
4. Out Group
5. Formal Group
6. Informal Group
7. Voluntary Group
8. Involuntary Group
9. Delegate Group
10. Un-social Group
11. Pseudo-social Group
12. Anti-social Group
13. Pro-social Group

Each of us belongs to one or more of the groups listed above. One can be classified as primary, secondary, informal, involuntary, or in group, in my opinion.

Humans are a social species; no human being develops in solitude; without other humans, a person cannot exist, yet they also have a life of their own. All humans live in groups, and an individual's life is an extension of collective life. We have something in common as well as something distinct with others in all groupings that apply to humans, which makes social groups more influential.
Social groupings are divided into two categories: primary and secondary. We belong to both primary and secondary groupings.

Our family is our most important social group. Our family is the first social group we encounter after birth, providing us with social life experience. Family teaches us how to treat people with love, respect, and compassion. Family instils in us numerous values and characteristics that aid in our interactions with various social groupings. As family is essential to us, we are an important component of our family; as the next generation of our family, we have many responsibilities to take care of; and we are also a pillar of our family, which will strengthen with time and support the family as a whole.Then there are family, tight friend circles, religious groups we belong to, and wherever we have responsibilities to fulfil, such as standing by our friends and relatives through thick and thin. We are also members of a religious community where we study the beliefs and teachings of our faith and serve as future crusaders.

We are also members of a variety of work, interest, and college-based groups. For example, in college, we frequently form different groups of people with whom we must collaborate or complete a project. Working with different people provides us with a variety of experiences, both positive and negative. We learn many things from others; it teaches us to compromise, make adjustments, and work with people of different temperaments; it teaches us about the good and bad qualities of many people, which in turn helps us to become a better person; in this quest, we make some good friends and lose some; we also learn patience, how to work with people who think differently and how to manage them; we also learn from other people's experiences and such. Working gives varied experience to us and shapes our personality and makes us a better person.

Organizational Change and Learning

Organizational Change And Learning

Organizational change refers to efforts taken by a firm or business to modify a significant component of its organisation, such as its culture, underlying technology or infrastructure, or internal procedures. Organizational transformation is aided by the 7Rs, which are as follows:

  1. Who requested the change?
  2. What is the REASON for the change?
  3. Is a RETURN from the modification required?
  5. Who is RESPONSIBLE for developing, testing, and implementing the change?

When we try to find answers to these issues, we discover that it is the stakeholders and sources who have sought the organisational transformation. We should then keep track of the responses to key questions in order to aid future audits

The second question may be answered as follows: the reason might be that the company's image has been harmed, workers are unhappy with the work culture, there is a disagreement among the leaders, or the working system has become too boring and thus a change is necessary, etc.

Nothing can be accomplished without the presence of risk. This might produce excellent outcomes or have a negative influence on society or an organisation.

The process of changing the culture is normally the responsibility of the Head Office.

The availability and need for infrastructural assets and people resources to accomplish a transformation. Consider the implications of change on other projects as you accept it. Other projects should be unaffected by the change.

It is critical to comprehend the link between the proposed change and other modifications. This allows for more efficient adjustments.

Let us now define Organizational Learning.

Organizational learning is the process of developing and disseminating knowledge inside a company. Organizations must constantly change their behaviour to reflect the new information received from this process in order to fully reap the benefits of organisational learning.

Organizational Learning helps people improve their skill sets, which benefits the organisation. This can be accomplished by requesting higher-ranking employees to educate lower-ranking employees, or by recruiting teachers from outside the organisation to impart this information to employees. This results in the following:

  • increased work satisfaction among employees
  • Reduced turnover rates
  • Productivity, profitability, and efficiency have all increased.
  • Developing leaders at all levels Improved organisational adaptability



Every position a person has comes with its own set of responsibilities and expectations. Role conflict occurs when a single person's several roles need opposing tasks at the same time.

In everyday life, several jobs might produce contrasting examples. When trying to address the needs of numerous children at once, a parent may encounter role conflict. When a person is requested to work overtime, he or she may feel conflicted about missing a key event at home. When a spouse wants to spend time with his or her partner while a child is asking attention, he or she may feel role conflict.

Role conflict can emerge when distinct responsibilities compete for a person's limited time or owing to various strains connected with many roles. Some individuals can only play one part and do it well, whilst others can play numerous roles and do them effectively. The mainstream societal paradigm, for example, sees the father as the provider and defender, and the woman as the homemaker, cooking and cleaning. If men who adopt this viewpoint enter a kitchen and continue to cook, they may feel unfit for that job, and women who enter a garage and proceed to fix the automobile may feel the same way. This mentality is at the basis of the difficulty that many women experience when they become full-time employees and moms. Women's rights have grown significantly over the last four decades, and women now have the majority of the same rights as men. While women have stepped up to fill various tasks, some believe that males have not stepped up to assist balance the work burden. Employers anticipate mothers and fathers to have the same professional potential as their non-parent colleagues in the 2020s. Furthermore, societal pressure persists for modern-day moms to conform to the 1950s mother/wife ideal. Women, in reality, struggle to strike a balance between the two. Many women believe that they are forced to choose between a profession and a family, and that society then makes them feel bad about their decision.

 Types of role conflict

  • Inter role conflict
Interpersonal role conflict arises when the source of the problem is the occupancy of more than one focus position. As a husband and father in a social system, a superintendent may assume that his wife and children want him to spend the majority of his evenings with them. He may feel, however, that his school board and P.T.A. organizations want him (as their superintendent) to spend the majority of his after-hours time on educational and civic activities. In most cases, the superintendent is unable to satisfy both of these competing goals.

  • Intra role conflict
Intra-personal role conflict occurs when a person in one role believes that others have different expectations of him or her in that role." For example, the school superintendent may assume that teachers look on him to be their voice and leader on topics such as pay raises and institutional policy. However, as the executive officer and policy administrator for the school board, the superintendent may assume that the school board members expect him to represent them, to "sell" his views to the staff ".... Also included is an example of a mother experiencing intra-role conflict.


One of the most essential components in strengthening social cognition in children, according to the socio-psychological notion of role-taking theory, is the rising ability to grasp others' feelings and points of view as a result of general cognitive development. As part of this process, young people must recognize that other people's perspectives may differ from their own. Understanding the cognitive and affective features of another person's point of view (i.e. moods, feelings, and attitudes) is what role-taking ability comprises, as opposed to perceptual perspective taking, which is the capacity to recognize another person's visual point of view of the world. Furthermore, despite some inconsistent evidence, it appears that role playing and perceptual perspective taking are functionally and developmentally distinct from one another.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Organisational Culture


Organisational culture is defined as as the underlying beliefs, values, assumptions, attitudes, written and unwritten rules and behaviour established by the leaders which have been developed over a period of time that characterise and contribute to an organisation's unique social and psychological work environment. It includes an organisation's experiences, philosophy, expectations and values which guide member behaviour and is expressed in member's self-image, interactions with outside world, inner workings as well as future expectations. Employers play a critical role in perpetuating a strong culture, starting with recruiting and selecting applicants who share the organisation's beliefs and thrive in that culture, developing orientation, training and performance management programs which reinforce and outline the organisation's core values ensuring that appropriate recognition and rewards are given to employees who truly embody the values. 

Furthermore, if the culture of an organisation is going to improve its overall performance, the culture must provide a strategic competitive advantage, and beliefs as well as values must be firmly upheld and widely shared.A strong culture results in enhanced trust and cooperation, efficient decision making, fewer disagreements, a strong sense of identification with the organisation, shared understanding among employees regarding what is important and an informal control mechanism. A few of the commonly used terms for describing culture include customer-focussed, ethical, research-driven, process oriented, family friendly, risk-taking, aggressive, innovative, fun and hierarchal. They can manifest itself in a variety of methods like communication styles, internally distributed messages, leadership behaviour and corporate celebrations. Culture also includes the organisation's values, vision, system, symbol, norms, language, beliefs and habits.

Several tools are utilised for developing and sustaining a high-performance organisational culture. Some of them are stated below:

  1. Hiring Practices: An employee will be more likely to deliver superior performance when the hire's personality fits with the organisational culture. They tend to feel more comfortable, supported and valued. During interviews, questions should be asked regarding the cultural fit but that should not be the sole determining factor as the best organisations generally keep an open mind to diverse perspectives thus keeping their culture fresh.
  2. Onboarding Programs: It teaches newcomers in the organisation about the employer's value system, desired behaviour and norms. They must help newcomers to become a part of social networks and make sure that they have early job experiences which reinforce the culture.
  3. Reward and Recognition Programs: Giving proper recognition to the employees of an organisation helps in developing employee engagement, fulfilment, retention as well as improvement in productivity. They should be encouraged to practice frequent social recognition alongside monetary recognition. Creating culture which values employee feedback and their voice is essential as failing to do so can result in lost revenue and demotivated employees.
  4. Performance Management Programs: Employees who share their values and aspirations tend to outperform those environments which lack cohesiveness and common purpose. It can affect corporate culture by clearly informing the employees what is expected from them and maintaining proper behaviour at the workplace.

Moreover, teamwork encompasses communication, collaboration and respect between team members. We must look for and encourage shared personal interests between team members which create new pathways for empathy and understanding which play a vital role in improving communication, conflict resolution and creativity. Great workplace cultures are often created by employees who are regularly learning and companies which invest in staff development. Training initiatives, providing employees with new responsibilities and coaching are all measures to indicate that you have invested in their success.

On the other hand, an ineffective culture can bring down the organisation and its leadership. High turnover, poor customer relations, disengaged employees and lower profits are several examples of how a wrong culture can negatively affect the bottom line. Conflicting messages about the corporate culture may create cynicism and distrust, which can prompt employees justify, actions as deleterious as embezzlement. Furthermore, it may cause workers to grow discouraged, doubt statements from higher-ups, to believe that the management is disingenuous as well as become less inclined to give their best effort. Negative attitudes and ego are a few big threats towards organisational culture. Employees who carry their ego may find it difficult to adjust with their fellow workers. They need to realise that working together as a single unit along with effective communication can lead to better results and innovative solutions for problems.

Additionally, there are a few workplace cultural differences witnessed in an organisation. Given below is a brief summary of the same: 
  • Person culture and Market culture: It states how the members of an organisation conduct their business, treat customers, employees and the wider community. Here, each individual is seen as more valuable than the organisation itself. It may be difficult to maintain as the organisation may suffer due to priorities and competing people. Market cultures are result-oriented, with a focus on competition, getting the job done and achievement. 
  • Adaptive culture and Adhocracy culture: The extent to which freedom is allowed in decision making, framing new ideas and personal expression are its important parts. They value change and are action-oriented, increasing the likelihood of survival through time.
  • Task culture and Clan culture: It states how committed the employees are towards collective objectives. In this, teams are created with expert members to solve particular problems. Clan culture are family-like, whose primary focus is on nurturing, mentoring and doing things together.
  • Power culture, Role culture and Hierarchy culture: It represents how power and information flow through the organisational hierarchy and system. Power cultures generally have one leader who makes rapid decisions and controls the strategy. Role culture are where functional structures are created, where individuals know their jobs, report to their superiors and value efficiency above all else. Furthermore, hierarchy cultures focus on efficiency, doing things right and stability.

Well, this brings us to the end of the blog. I hope you guys liked it and must have gained a lot of information by reading the same. In the next blog, we will talk about social groups, their role and status along with their impact on our personality.

Reference :

Brand History Of Dove

Brand History Of Dove

Dove is an American individual care brand possessed by the British multinational shopper merchandise company Unilever which begun within the US with the progressive unused magnificence cleansing bar. From the exceptionally beginning, Dove attempted to stand out within the individual care section essentially hitting the showcase in 1957 by the Lever Brothers. Dove's cleanser notices demonstrated that their cleanser was much way better for your skin than standard cleanser due to its gentleness and one quarter cleansing cream. They indeed included tag lines like 'Suddenly cleanser is Old-fashioned! and 'Dove creams your skin whereas you wash.' They care approximately how the items are made and what all goes into them, its affect on the planet and how they can endeavor for distant better;a much better;a higher;a stronger;an improved">a stronger, a more maintainable way of being. The brand makes utilize of different verbal and visual dialect components that cohesively communicate the brands' values, identityreason and contributes to forming its personality. These properties broadly constitute of the brands tone of voice, brand s

Dove Underarm Roll-on Deodorants Now in India! | Dove Even Tone & Original  Roll On Launched! | Be Beautiful India

Dove is considered a people-centric brand which frequently focuses on using language that establishes an emotional connection with women by encouraging and motivating them to be the real best version of themselves as they naturally and authentically are in through storytelling and varied research case studies. Their visual identity has always been that of tenderness and elegance which can be easily seen from the brand's logotype, having a calligraphic style and a slight italic. To differentiate itself from its competitors, Dove has been involved in various marketing campaigns which are stated as follows:

A Complete Case Study On Marketing Strategy of Dove | IIDE

Dove Campaign - Home | Facebook

  •  Evolution Film Launched on Youtube (2006): It confronted on the use of makeup and photoshops to distort's women's bodies. In the video, makeup is put on a model along with transformation of her hair to make her look almost unrecognisable. Dove believes that Evolution helped us encourage positive body image in women everywhere by exposing the truth behind the media's magic tricks and showing them that our perception of beauty is distorted. This campaign seemed more about improving the portrayal of women in the media which can be taken as a great tactic to improve the brand experience for the customer.

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty

12 of the Best Marketing and Advertising Campaigns of All Time | Real  beauty campaign, Dove real beauty, Successful marketing campaigns
  • Dove Stories #ShowUs: Dove has started a conversation on social media asking women to share their own stories and utilise #ShowUs to post video/picture displaying their real beauty. This campaign is termed engaging because it offers value and inspires women to be naturally themselves.

Why Dove's new #ShowUs campaign is groundbreaking for women in media |

  • Dove Face Test Campaign: These advertisements displayed a women who washed half of her face with generic soap and the remaining face with dove soap. The portion washed with Dove would display a clear, clean and moisturised complexion whereas the other side remained dry and featured soap residue.

work: DOVE FACE TEST CAMPAIGN (Phase 1 was an international one. Phase 2  and Phase 3 Done in mumbai)

  • Campaign in Association with Vague India: A photoshoot campaign had been organised under this to display how women from different corners of India have their own beauty. They made a series of video campaigns to break the stereotypical definition of beauty where women with different skin tone, physique, hair colour, length, shape as well as varied fashion attire came in front of the camera to speak that they felt confident as well as beautiful from inside by utilising dove and having smooth skin and hair.

The new Dove campaign is busting the beauty status quo

  • Choose Beautiful Campaign: It was basically a survey which had signboards depicting "Average" and "Beautiful" put on gateways of shopping centres to see how women across the globe considered themselves. The video clip displayed women with different getups some confused over which entrance to choose while others awkwardly entering through the average door. At the end, when the women were being interviewed, they stated with a smile that they would confidently move through the beautiful door if given another chance.

Today, Dove is currently the world's number 1 cleansing brand recommended by Dermatologists, with sales of over $2.5 billion a year in more than 80 countries. It has developed many different kind of personal care products which primarily fall into 5 distinctive categories:
  • Washing and Bathing: Beauty Bar, Liquid soaps, body wash
  • Skin Care: Moisturising, Dry Skin Care, Body Lotion, Face wash
  • Antiperspirant Deodorants: Roll-On Antiperspirant Deodorant
  • Hair Care: Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Oil, Dry Hair Treatment, Anti-Dandruff Treatment, Damaged Hair Care
  • Dove Collections: Dove Go Fresh, Purely Pampering, Dove Oxygen Moisture

Dove Company History and Review: Real Beauty, Real Soap!Shampoo dove Stock Photos, Images & Photography | Shutterstock

Furthermore, damage control, instant and long lasting nourishment, zero frizz as well as dandruff control are the main features of the products introduced by Dove who has been continuously working in the direction of endorsing realistic beauty standards through its various social development programmes. Over the course of time, several hair problems were addressed by the Dove products including dull, rough, dry, fine, flat, frizzy and weak hair, hair loss, coloured hair, damaged hair, dandruff, split ends and itchy scalp. Recently Dove celebrated its 60th Anniversary wherein they renewed their commitment to women globally by launching the Dove Real Beauty Pledge, primarily consisting of 3 vows:
  1. We always feature women, we never feature models
  2. We portray women as they are in real life. We do not digitally distort our images
  3. We are helping young people build self-esteem and positive body confidence


Health Inequalities Of Madhya Pradesh

 The National own circle of relatives fitness survey offers records on populace,fitness and vitamins for India and one by one for every stat...